Monday, February 4, 2008

Two finished Objects!

These are two versions of the Triangle Man Pillbox Hat by See Jane Knit. I ended up using 92 grams of yarn--a complete ball of Noro Silk Garden plus a little from my scrap bag of stash and then 34 g. of Noro Cash Iroha for the contrasting colors. I really enjoyed knitting this pattern as a brief experiment with color work. I am also happy that I have finally knit this for myself. Mark gave me the yarn 2-3 years ago for Christmas and it has been sitting there, too precious to knit. I decided this year that I WILL knit the beautiful yarns. There will always be more and I should really enjoy what I have. So, the top one is for me, the other one will become a gift for a friend or family member at some point. Yeah for my stash! I figure I have enough stash for years of stash knitting, but I'm taking it one month at a time. For my January goals, I believe I met them all except for making Hailey knucks. I am not sure I have the yarn she wants so I might postpone that project.
February goals:
1. No yarn purchases again this month.
2. Finish as many UFOs as possible. (I have to admit to casting on a project yesterday just so it could be a UFO).
3. Finish the knit a mile challenge by February 19th. (At this point I have knit 1495 yards, so I am very close!)

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